4-H Hall of Fame

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Anna Eader

Anna Eader of Torrance County

Inducted in: 2011

Anna Eader has served as a 4-H volunteer for over 25 years in the Torrance County 4-H horse program. She has organized workshops that include showmanship at halter, western horsemanship, trail reigning, English and basic riding skills plus workshops pertaining to general horse care and health. Ms. Eader has served as an instructor at the 4-H horse school since it began. She has also given her time to judge many 4-H horse shows and organized and served as the official judge for many district 4-H horse contests. Ms. Eader has impacted the lives of many 4-H members. Several of these youth pursued careers in various areas of the equine field. Through her dedication to 4-H, members she has assisted in providing educational trainings and has been a positive role model for youth.

Sharon Eastman

Nominated by: Valencia County

Inducted in: 2002

Sharon Eastman started out in 4-H as a sewing project leader in 1968. She's worked continuously with the Bosque Farms 4-H Club for more than 34 years, including 31 years as leader of the horse project. She's served several three-year terms as the club's organizational leader. She's served as a Bosque Farms Fair board member, treasurer and superintendent of the 4-H exhibits. Sharon has judged garments at both the Valencia County and state fairs.

Tricia Elbrock

Tricia Elbrock of Hidalgo County

Inducted in: 2011

Ms. Elbrock was a 4-H member in Luna County and the influences it made and skills she learned as a youngster have served her well through the years. She has served as a project and resource leader of the Cotton City 4-H Club in Hidalgo county for almost 27 years. Her primary project area has been market lamb as well as other market livestock projects. Everyone knows if they have a problem or need advice, Ms Elbrock is a short phone call away and is always willing to help. She and her husband raised two sons in the 4-H program and she now has the pleasure of watching her grandchildren participate in the 4-H program. Ms. Elbrock has set a wonderful example for 4-H members to follow.

Paula Enyeart

Paula Enyeart of Sandoval County

Inducted in: 2007

Ten years ago, the Presbyterian Health Center in Cuba, NM recognized the need for a program to help engage the Native American youth in the community. Paula Enyeart volunteered to assist in the task. Ms. Enyeart grew up in 4-H and knows the value of being a 4-H member. During the past years, Ms. Enyeart has shared her enthusiasm for 4-H as a Head Leader for Torreon, Ojo Encino and Councilor Chapter Houses. She provides many of her own resources to make certain that her club members can attend county, district and state events. Ms. Enyeart has instilled the values of self-esteem, respect, independence and leadership in youth through 4-H. Her creativity has led to the implementation of livestock contracts which have made it possible for youth to raise and exhibit market steers. She has also generously volunteered her time to train other county and state volunteer leaders. Thank you and Congratulations, Ms. Enyeart.