Allison Kuper Smith

Alumni Allison Kuper Smith

Owner, Roadrunner Capitol Reports

Current Job & Responsibilities:
As a lobbyist I advocate on behalf of my clients at the NM State Legislature. One of my clients is the New Mexico Restaurant Association. As owner of Roadrunner Capitol Reports I run a web based legislative tracking and reporting service that serves those needing to track legislation and create reports of activity at the NM State Legislature.

What I Learned From the HRTM Program:
Excellence in customer service is crucial to success in any endeavor, whether in hospitality or in any other industry.

What I Most Enjoy About My Career:
The people I meet and interact with.

Memorable Experience:
In the hospitality industry: Catering for a Hollywood film in Africa;
As a lobbyist: passing legislation to allow for customers to take home partially consumed bottle of wine and successfully negotiating minimum wage legislation that was fair to both workers and employers.

Graduate of the Swiss Hotel Association, Hotel Management School - Les Roches
Managed restaurants and a film catering unit in Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa
Assistant Food and Beverage Manager at Inn of the Governors - Santa Fe, NM
Food and Beverage Manager - High Mesa Inn - Santa Fe, NM (Now Marriott Courtyard)
Sales Manager - High Mesa Inn - Santa Fe, NM (Now Marriott Courtyard)
Event Planner for the Western State Treasurer’s Conference - Santa Fe, NM Worked in State Government for the NM State Treasurer and the Public Employees Retirement Association
Worked for the NM State Legislature as a Secretary then promote to Analyst. Worked for the leadership of both House and Senate.